Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Can you believe it's 2012? It's amazing all that can change in just a year's time and I'm feeling so blessed for all the opportunities I've had this past year and looking forward to all that 2012 has to offer. I'm especially excited to start school tomorrow (!!?!) at Savannah College of Art and Design and can't wait to challenge myself, learn a lot, and meet all sorts of creative, intelligent people. This year I'm also planning on keeping a gratitude journal, worrying less, visiting a new city, keeping in better touch with faraway friends, stepping outside my comfort zone more often, and losing the 5 lbs I gained when I quit smoking (last years resolution). Cheers to the new year! And here are a few links to wrap up 2011 and kick off 2012 :)

Best albums of 2011 according to Pretty Much Amazing
Best environmental photos of 2011 via Mother Nature Network
NPR's best of 2011 lists 
Woody Guthrie's resolutions from 1942 via Brain Pickings
12 things happy people do differently via Habitually Chic
10 secrets to success also via Habitually Chic


Lauren said...

Yay! You got in!! Congrats :) and Happy New Year!

Kate said...

12 things happy people do differently: Already printed, highlighted and posted above my computer screen at work!