Thursday, May 26, 2011

This and That

Happy Thursday! It's the best kind - one before a long weekend. So here are some randomosities from around the web to hold you over til the weekend. Enjoy!

the original photoshop and the original duckface? see more classic pin-up girls before and after
are you wearing a dress? via jezebel
listen to My Morning Jacket's Circuital out May 31 in its entirety via NPR
anthropologists pick: if the world were a village of 100 people
Terence Chang's long exposure photography of planes taking off - beautiful!
music video starring Zach Galifianakis - no explanation needed.
for borderline hoarders (i.e. me) this spring cleaning 101 via lifehacker is actually quite helpful

1 comment:

Seven-n-Seven said...

The Original Duckface! Haha